Trama Blog

My interest for Guatemala began three years ago when I got in touch with the Mayan culture in Mexico, therefore when I had to choose the destination of my future trip I had no doubts. I didn’t know much abo...
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Indigenous Peoples Day, observed annually on August 9th, is a meaningful occasion dedicated to honouring Indigenous communities and celebrating their rich cultures. In Guatemala, where Indigenous peoples are...
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Guatemala es realmente uno de los países más coloridos, gracias a la diversidad de culturas mayas, idiomas y, obviamente, a la gente, que mantiene vivas estas tradiciones ancestrales. Lisa, una voluntaria de...
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Junto con su cultura diversa, Guatemala tiene una rica herencia lingüística que ha creado varios dialectos e idiomas en el país. El español de Guatemala o español guatemalteco es único por derecho propio, fusionándose y evolucionando con los diversos idiomas y dialectos que residen en el país.
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Along with its diverse culture Guatemala has a rich linguistic heritage that is devised of various dialects and languages in the country. Spanish in Guatemala or Español Guatemalteco is unique in its own right, merging and evolving with the various languages and dialects that reside in the country.
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Happy Independence Day! Each year Guatemalans are very passionate about celebrating their freedom and the city of Xela (Quetzaltenango) becomes alive with festivities.
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Los huipiles tienen una historia profunda, transformándose y evolucionando con la comunidad indígena a través del tiempo. Una vez terminada, la obra de arte que a veces toma meses en realizarse, cuenta historias de las muchas comunidades indígenas que residen en Guatemala.
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Huipiles have a deep history, transforming and evolving with Indigenous communities through time. When finished, the work of art that often takes months to make, tells a story of both individual and communal identity of the many Indigenous communities that reside in Guatemala. Here at Trama, we seek to share the importance of this evolving tradition in each huipil, and in each textile.
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A quick look into the current mental health crisis in Guatemala, including potential causes and upcoming solutions to the difficulties that the people of Guatemala face.
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Rigoberta Menchú is probably one of the most inspiring Mayan women of Guatemala. She is an advocate for social justice and human rights of indigenous peoples in Guatemala and is internationally known for her...
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From 25 April to 6 May 2022, the 21st Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2022) will take place. The theme is “Indigenous peoples, business, autonomy and the human rights principles of due d...
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On the 24th of January the High Risk Court in Guatemala sentenced five former members of the paramilitary Civil Self-Defense Patrols (PAC), armed groups recruited by Guatamala’s army, to 30 years imprisonmen...
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