Share the Daily Life of Our Weavers in Our Ethical Tour

Share the Daily Life of Our Weavers in Our Ethical Tour

Trama Textiles had been working for an entire month to develop an ecotourism tour for you! We are proud to give you the opportunity to live an authentic experience with our weaver’s families!

Nowadays, a lot of tourists are tired of organized tours and see sometimes “fake daily life”. Indeed, because of the increase of tourism, a lot of communities “play” their  rituals and traditions in font of them and put their typical clothing only so tourists can assist to this organized roundabout.

With this tour, you will be part of the weaver’s family, learn how to cook typical Guatemalan meals, learn about traditional backstrap loom weaving technique, you can also work with the husbands in the fields, go to the local market and enjoy the beautiful view of their villages.

We offer you to visit our weaver’s families in San Juan at Lake Atitlan, or closer to Xela in two villages called Pupujil and San Martin. Each of the villages offer different activities, living conditions and surroundings!

Here are some of our weaver’s families:

You can visit them just one day or stay several nights, including transportation, meals, nights and activities with the family. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you want us to personalize the tour for you!

Please note that between 60 and 70% of the price you pay goes directly to the families. The other percentage is a commission for Trama Textiles and the agencies who help us with the promotion of the tour!

You can find out more information about them here.  

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